Manor ISD Halts All Distribution for Students


The Manor Independent School District will be suspending all meals, academic packet, and technology distribution effective today, Friday, April 17, until further notice. This decision comes after the District was informed that two Manor ISD food service employees have received a positive diagnosis of COVID-19. Results for a possible third diagnosis are still pending, officials say.

The employees most recently prepared and distributed curbside meals at Manor New Tech High School on Thursday, April 9. The location has since been closed. MISD says it has communicated with all staff who may have had direct contact with the employees and directed them to self-quarantine for the next seven days. Any parents who picked up food at Manor New Tech High School last week are also being asked to continue to monitor for any symptoms, and call their medical professional if any symptoms arise.

District administrators are now reevaluating distribution protocols.

“We know that many of our MISD families depend on these services and are making our best efforts to continue to provide these supports,” the district says in a statement “We recognize that safety precautions must be taken for our dedicated employees as they work to ensure students have what they need while our campuses are closed. For that reason, all of our food service preparation and distribution areas are thoroughly sanitized multiple times a day and our certified food services workers wear gloves and face coverings to prepare and distribute meals. We are also enforcing mandatory practices of social distancing, frequent handwashing and temperature readings for all of our distribution staff.”

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